2014-10-01 17.25.52-4-1.jpg


Bag is packed, shoes are tight and the humidity is high.   I feel the rich dirt under my feet compress as I meander down the trail.  The smell of decomposing leaves and evergreen are strong in the air.  The winding path unclear in its’ destination leads me away from plugged in reality.  In a clearing near the waters edge I stand alone, with only the sound of the wind whistling through the trees and a red tail hawk calling from high in the sky, break the effervescent silence.  The sunlight piercing through the tall confers, dropping shafts of light upon the waters edge.  Colors begin to bloom getting closer to the golden hour of the day.  My equipment is simple a 50 and 20 mm lenses, no tripod, no flash, nothing to think about.  Watching the sun closely , studying it relationship with the water, trees and ground, searching for a composition.  Time becomes irrelevant as the sun falls further behind the horizon. The shutter clicks only a handful of times stopping light and motion, forever documenting that moment. With only a few moments of the failing sunlight, I pack my bag to return home.